What To Look For In A Free Resume Template

Downloading a free resume template can seem like the solution to all your resume problems.

Not so fast! By all means, check out what free resume templates are available, but then ask yourself some questions.

Have you seen it before? If you have, you can bet the person you send it to has too. You've seen, what, tens or hundreds or resumes? They may have seen thousands. If yours looks like everybody else's, you won't stand out.

But if you have seen it, don't immediately bypass it. Is it pretty? Great, it might be helpful to you. Can you change it to make it memorable? If you can change a template easily, you just might be able to create a great one yourself. Odds are good it'll be in Microsoft Word format, so changing it should be easy, especially if you're at home in Word.

Is it over the top? You want to stand out, but like a star, not like an idiot. The idiot doesn't get the job. If the free resume template you just downloaded has a graphic of jellybeans or confetti down the side, run away. Unless you're interviewing to be a birthday party clown.

If you use free resume templates (or creative, professional ones you purchase) well, they can save you time and effort. Then you can focus on content.

Copyright (c) by Roy Miller

Roy Miller created http://www.Job-Search-Guidepost.com.

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