Your Resume Isn't About You

You may think it is, but your resume isn't really about you at all.

In fact, you aren't even the subject of the document.

Sure, without you there wouldn't BE at a resume, but that's not the point. Anybody reading your resume doesn't want it to be about the "you" that is in good health, or the "you" that has hobbies and interests outside work, or the "you" that likes movies and traveling.

It's nice for an interviewer to find an affable person who would be a great member of the team. Those are good qualities to have. But they come across during the interview, without much extra effort on your part (sometimes none, if you're well prepared).

All somebody reading your resume really cares about is what value you can add to his organization. If all you do is show up and collect a paycheck, you're worse than useless - you're a net cost. Every business cares about ROI in almost every area. Good businesses are almost obsessed with it. Your resume is your chance to present yourself as a profit improver.

Have you ever known a person who couldn't stop talking about himself? That's the typical resume. The reaction is the same.

A reader wants you to say what you can do for the company you want to join.

Specifically, he wants to know whether you can improve profit.

Can you reduce costs?

Can you increase revenue?

Can you improve operations significantly (which is only half a step from improving profit)?

Your resume should be entirely about two things:

  1. The profits (or almost-there operational improvements) you can add to the company
  2. The reasons you're the one uniquely qualified to add them

The only place you come in is at profit delivery time. In other words, though it sounds cold, you are a means to an end.

If you present a compelling set of improved profits you can add, and you position yourself as the one person uniquely qualified to add them, you WILL get called for an interview most of the time.

When you're hired, you can show them the affable team member you really are. Until then, you're competing against other candidates who add profit. Add more, sooner, more confidently, and you'll get the job.

Copyright (c) by Roy Miller

Roy Miller created

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