Creating Your Own Career

It's no longer about being employed, but about being employable. Even if you have your own business, you need to be employable to your customers. And ready to change.
It's no longer about being employed, but about being employable. Even if you have your own business, you need to be employable to your customers. And ready to change. Change jobs, change the direction of your business, change some critical element of your website. Whether you have your own business or you're working for another company the same concept holds true.

The most critical step in creating your career is to have 100% clarity on your unique pattern of values, traits, skills, and interests.

Many people want to avoid this step and just go out and find what they say they want.

Big, big mistake. You'll pay the price in less satisfaction, less achievement, less money....and until you do it right, you'll just be making the same mistakes over and over again. Stephen Covey, author or the best seller, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" zeroes in on a principle which you probably know as an adage: You reap what you sow. You already *know* that you cannot forget to plant in the fall, slack off in the summer, and then reap the harvest in the spring!

Nor can you skip this first step in creating your career. The principle operates whether we like it or not. Principles are universal, timeless, exist outside of us, and lead to predictable outcomes. Always.

You reap what you sow: it's the law of the harvest. In other words, you have to pay a price to achieve the results you desire: it takes commitment, time, consistent effort. Do you really think that plant is going to grow if you do nothing?

If you don