Space Junk Collection Device Described

Space Junk orbiting the Earth is a real problem for our space assets. The debris is orbiting the Planet at 17,500 miles per hour. Meaning even a lost screw traveling at that speed would go right through the International Space Station leaving a hole the size of a grape fruit and keep on going. If it hits anything important you are SOL, if it hits anything explosive you are not long for this world. As we put up more satellites in orbit and have more and more accidents or incidents, we end up with more debris spinning around our Globe.

A piece of space junk can potentially take out a communications satellite or even potentially cases additional space junk to become lose as well. I therefore would like to proposes a carbon nano tube sheet with an entergy tail around its perimeter connected by extended eye loop holes. Since the carbon nano tube can conduct electricity, I propose it be used to magnetically attract the space junk if it is metal as it gets close to improve the possibility of a catch. The Carbon nano tube collection device will be set up like a sandwich similar to the devices used to shield against space junk on satellites, this will insure the captured space junk will remain lodged in the material so it will become part of the collection device.

This entire device will be powered by the electromagnetic energy coming from the earth as it is collected while it travels. This energy will be connected to a pulse motor. I also propose that the device use data quadrangulation from other satellites to home in on the space junk. When and if the device is ever so full it cannot collect any more space junk it will then be signaled to burn up in the Earth