Life - The Golden Thread

In the last 5,000 years there are a total of 64 generations of patriarchs in three different periods known as the Green, Red and White periods. The first 18 generations of patriarchs was from China, then the next 28 generations of patriarchs from India and the last 18 generations of patriarchs again from China making it a total of 64 generations of patriarchs. The patriarchs were firstly 13 generations of holy emperors started off by Emperor Fu Shi, then 5 generations of scholars with Lao Tze (the founder of Taoism) as the first scholar, followed by 28 generations of Indian Buddhist monks in India, 5 generations of Chinese monks in China and lastly lay people from China. This is a mystical revelation by Heaven to inform us the lineage of Tao that had to be prepared over a period of 5,000 years before the coming of the Final Catastrophe that will end the world.

The Green Period - The Buddha in charge of this period is Dipankara Buddha and it started around 3100 BC to 1214 BC and lasted for about 1,886 years. This period has 11 patriarchs from the first patriarch Emperor Fu Shi. This period is symbolized by the Green Lotus Leaf.

The Red Period - The Buddha in charge of this period is Sakyamuni Buddha and started around 1190 BC to 1924 AD and lasted for about 3,114 years. This period has 51 generations of patriarchs from patriarch Giang Tai Gong (12th) to patriarch Liu Hwapu (62nd). This period is symbolized by the Red Lotus Flower.

The White Period - The Buddha in charge of this period is Maitreya Buddha and it started around 1883 AD and will last for 10,800 years until 12683 AD. This period has only two generations of patriarchs, Lutsu Chung Yi (63rd), the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha and Dignitary Master Chang Tienzen and Sun Shuzen (both 64th). The two 64th patriarchs are the reincarnation of JiGong and Bodhisattva Yueh Hui respectively. This period is symbolized by the White Lotus Root.

The Lineage of Tao told by JiGong is as follows:

The early 18 generations of patriarchs from China are 1]Emperor Fu Shi 2]Emperor Sunlung 3]Emperor Huang 4]Emperor Souhou 5]Emperor Tsuanshi 6]Emperor Ku 7]Emperor Yow 8]Emperor Shun 9]Emperor Yu 10]Emperor Yeeyin 11]King Tong 12]Giang Tai Gong 13]King Wen, King Wu & Chou Kung 14]Lao Tze 15]Confucius 16]Yienwhie & Tsentzu 17]Tsuseu and 18]Mencius.

The 28 generations of patriarchs from India are 1]Arya Mahakasyapa 2]Arya Ananda 3]Arya Sanakavasa 4]Arya Upagupta 5]Arya Dhritaka 6]Arya Michaka 7]Arya Vasumitra 8]Arya Buddhanandi 9]Arya Buddhamitra 10]Arya Parsva 11]Arya Punyayasas 12]Bodhisattva Asvaghosa 13]Arya Kapimala 14]Bodhisattva Nagarijuna 15]Kanadeva 16]Arya Rahulata 17]Arya Sanghanandi 18]Arya Gayasata 19]Arya Kumarata 20]Arya Jayata 21]Arya Vasubandhu 22]Arya Manorhita 23]Arya Haklenayasas 24]Arya Simha 25]Arya Basiasita 26]Arya Punyamitra 27]Arya Prajnatara and 28]Arya Bodhidharma.

The late 18 generations from China are: 1]Bodhidharma 2]Huik'u 3]Seng Tsan 4]Tao Hsin 5]Hung Yen 6]Hui Neng 7]Bei Yuzen & Ma Duanyang 8]Luo Weichuan 9]Huang Tehhui 10]Wu Tzusiang 11]Ho Liaokoo 12]Yuan Tuian 13]Hsie Huanwu & Yang Huanshu 14]Yow Hotien 15]Wong Gioyi 16]Liu Nwapu 17]Lutzu Chung Yi and 18]Dignitary Master Chang Tienzen & Sun Shuzen.

This is beyond the knowledge of man and religion, only Heaven can make known to us. In the temple of Tao of Heaven, this lineage of Tao known as the Golden Thread was very nicely drawn up with details in the form of a chart. It is to pave the way for human to gain enlightenment over 5,000 years by Heaven and ultimately salvation. The 64 patriarchs are the spiritual masters of devotees of Tao of Heaven.

Author: T.A Chew

T.A Chew, a practitioner of Tao, was told to propagate the teachings of Tao and the Golden Thread by his Heavenly Master JiGong and Goddess of Mercy. With this article, he hopes it is valuable to those who are interested to know the teachings of Tao in the last 5,000 years. Website: