Gay Contingency Killing Democratic Party

Many Gay American Males are quite politically motivated and they make good volunteers for a political campaign because they are dedicated to their cause. They often volunteer to walk precincts to get the vote out. All political races live and die on volunteerism and people power. When a gay mail goes to the homes and neighborhoods of voters and talks with a lisp, even Democratic Voters stop and wonder about the most recent television Gay Pride March, with psychedelic cross dressing half naked humans carrying on. Unfortunately for the gay movement, the media always interviews the most outlandish and bizarre folks in these groups, which probably puts out the wrong image to the voters and actually hurts the gay and lesbian homosexual image in the country.

Republican Candidates are careful not to schedule events on the day of Gay Parades because the more media attention the homosexuals get the more distasteful they are viewed by voters. Since most gay and lesbians consider themselves Democrats, this is a bonus for Republicans, because it energizes their Christian Right Base. The Democrats and their candidates appear to be so diffuse and unorganized and Pro-Gay rights. And most are. But the voters think that Pro Gay Rights means homosexuals in restaurants, parks making out, wearing weird clothes and recruiting their teen age kids to become gay.

This quite frankly scares the hell out of the voters. If you notice now, Ted Kennedy has endorsed JF Kerry in the next election who supports the gay and lesbian groups. In fact some are sure he is having a gay affair, because his wife seems so uninterested in him? Could be, who knows. Maybe he allows that rumor because it helps him with the 2% hard core Gay Base? Many believe it is because the rumors are true. Some Political Strategists believe that John Kerry and his class-action lawsuit attorney John Edwards lost the election because of the fringe groups within the homosexual community, as every time the gay males got on TV and carried on, President Bush