Black America Rejects Gay Contingency

The Millions More Movement looked like a good opportunity for Gay and Lesbian Homosexual Preference Leaders to address a large group and it was well publicized with lots of Television Cameras. But the promoters of the Million More Movement wanted to keep the group event positive and focused, not wanting to attach the negative stigma of the anti-Christian comments which has plagued the Gay and Lesbian movement and probably cost John Kerry the election against Mr. Bush.

Gay and Lesbian Groups around the country are trying to unite to keep their groups going, but everywhere they go, they are finding little unity with other fringe groups. In fact there seems to be quite rift within the gay and lesbian community. One group is trying to be responsible and gain the respect of the country and the other is carrying on with outlandish publicity stunts, half naked frolicking gay parades and screaming and yelling gay adolescent to age 30 males with no sense of reality.

Being rejected by the Black Community now appear that the Black Community is moving up very fast, but the gay community still has that stigma that they just cannot dump. One lesbian I talked to said,