Holidays: More Gifts of More Lasting Value

The Gift of Stories

Jimmy Buffet once sang, "Ahh, the stories we could tell." Each of us has a story we can tell that will comfort, guide or simply make others laugh.

Our stories make up who we are. And we all can learn from stories.

One of the reasons the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books are so popular is they tell stories that uplift, comfort and inspire. The greatest teachers in the history of the world taught by telling stories. Sometimes the greatest teachers/story-tellers are right in front of us, and we don't even know it.

The Gift of "Giving Away"

We've all heard it said that "it is better to give than to receive." Most religions of the world talk about the importance of giving.

Did you know there is a solid psychological reason for this? When you give something of your self away, especially on a regular basis, it teaches your brain that there is more than enough for you. Some call that feeling contentment.

The Gift of Perspective

Richard Bach wrote, "Perspective - use it or lose it." We so easily lose our perspective, which leads to majoring in minor things, which leads to frustration and feeling stuck.

The Gift of Mentoring

Mentoring is a notion that has received much attention in recent years. In its simplest form, all it really means is to show someone the way, to pass on some of your life experiences and lessons to others.

The Gift of Experience It has been said that "success comes from good judgment, good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment." Sharing the gift of your experiences can help others avoid the same mistakes you made.

The Gift of Wisdom

Every person I've ever met has his or her own wisdom to share with others. Just because you don't think yourself to be wise, that's called humility, be careful not to rob others of the gift of your wisdom. Each one of us is ignorant about something.

The Gift of Rest

My physician friends tell me that many physical ailments can be traced to lack of sufficient rest. Rest does not necessarily imply laziness or lack of motivation. It's a requirement for not only the body, but also for the mind and spirit.

Three other guys and I once drove a car more than halfway across the United States, stopping only for gas, meals and other traveling essentials. The day after we got back, my friend's car just died. The mechanic said it was the result of not allowing the car to rest.

So, if even machines need rest, what about you and me? Give you and yours the gift of genuine rest this season.

The Gift of Memories

One of the most valuable and lasting gifts to give is pleasant memories. Think back to some of your favorite holiday seasons. Do you remember all the gifts you received that year, or are your memories of time spent with family and friends, of good times together?

Long after the gifts are part of a landfill somewhere, the memories you are making will be what abides. They are truly gifts that can last a lifetime.

Consider: What would it be like if you both gave and received each of these gifts this year?

Jeff Herring - EzineArticles Expert Author

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