Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation Procedures Explained

US breast implants - regulations

Here is a set of regulations passed by the FDA in regards to silicone breast implants:

1. Replacement or revision of saline implants
2. Tuberous breast deformity
3. Congenital breast reconstruction
4. Breast augmentation to the opposite breast for symmetry
5. Augmentation with a breast lift (mastopexy)
6. Severe asymmetries of the breast
7. Breast cancer reconstruction

Breast enlargement is, no doubt, one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. However, many women wonder if the breast augmentation procedure is worth it, especially on a long run. Some fear that the breast implants will not last and they will begin to leak. Although this does happen, it is a very rare phenomenon. Most women who have gone through breast enlargement surgery didn