Rift Between Christians and Gay Community

To so many of the over 225 Million Americans who call themselves Christians in the United States it often appears to them that all gays are attacking their way of life. Yet the Gay and Community believe that the hard-core Christians are not allowing them their freedom of sexual preference. This rift is developing into a huge canyon as each side attempts to use laws to block the forward progression of the other. Christians are worried of an over all decay of society in our civilization and the Gay and Lesbian community want the Christians to stop telling them how they should live, what they should believe and whom they should bed down with.

When corresponding with some very strong Prideful Gays you will often find the conversation turning towards threats of lawsuits and against your freedom of speech. Many Christians will revert back and tell the Gay individual they are going to go to hell or some silly notion. Obviously this is an apparent impasse. This is why there is so much friction in the Gay and Lesbian Movement; it is exactly that.

Some Gay argumentative folks will claim that the Christian person hates all Gays. Yet a true Christian should be holding such judgment from their god. If this is the case then that particular Christian lives in hypocrisy. Even so the Christian will say;