Asthma Behaves as if Your Body is Full of Parasites

Asthma affects an astonishing 17 million Americans totaling approximately 6.4 percent of the population. With statistics like this it would seem that there must be a reason for it! Most theories for the asthma-causing culprit point to rising levels of air pollutants while others faults the lack of exercise and increased levels of obesity within our populations. Another theory for such high rates of asthma blames increased sanitary conditions which results in fewer exposures to disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

Regardless of the initial asthma trigger, most experts agree that asthma is actually caused by an immune system out of control. The immune system of asthma sufferers rages in high gear as though it were battling parasites within the body. When the body is fighting parasites it produces a molecule called IgE, or immunoglobulin E. IgE is also a trigger for other molecular chain events that result in a full-on asthma attack. So, why does the asthmatic body think it