Elicit the Desire and Ignite the Fire in Your Downlines

Why do people start a home based business? The most common reason people will tell you is that they want more money. But most people will tell you that money alone is not enough. A better answer that you get from your MLM prospect is that they want to start a home based business so as to be with their kids at home. It is an answer like this that will enable you to ignite the fire in your downlines and point them in the right way to build their home based business.

This article will deal with a simple three stage process by which you can find out what is important in life to your mlm prospects and help them see why your home based business meets their concerns.

1. Ask questions that pertain to values

The first stage of the process when talking to a potential lead is to find out what is important to them. The business venture that you have can be replicated anywhere else but it is most important to build rapport with your potential downline. What better way than to ask them what is the reason why they want to start a home based business. Spend some time listening to them as this can help you later.

Dani Johnson one of the best mlm trainers talks about this and she explains that rapport and the concern that your prospect will feel after you find out what is important to them will help them see why they should signup now as opposed to later.

2. Ask questions that pertain to their dreams in the future

The next stage of the process is to ask them what dreams they have if they have a lot of money. This is important because we all have dreams and by having this vision of their dream in front of their eyes, suddenly your home based business becomes very important. A dream is always an idea at the back of our heads and most people would give anything to be able to achieve that dream. Mary, one my downlines, later recalled after one of our conversations, that it was then that she realized that if she wanted to achieve her dreams, she had to join our business opportunity then.

3. Link all together The third stage of the process is to link their dreams and values and desires and to ask them what in the business opportunity do they think can help them meet their values and fulfill their dreams. So this points them towards your home based business in order to meet their values and to fulfill their dreams.

An example would be in order. There was day when one of my downlines was talking to a person called Jane. Jane