Federal Government Regulator Homosexual Attacks

Did you know that if you work at a company, which is thought to be anti-homosexual rights or of a very pro-Christian viewpoint corporation that your company could become a target of Federal Government Regulators? Did you know if you are a homosexual male in Washington DC you have 305% better chance of getting hired? Did you know that 23% of all Federal Government employees in Washington D.C are outright gay, not closet homosexuals, but out in the open flaming and flaunting it? Less than 2% of our population is gay, yet we have 23% in Washington D.C. working for our government? Why?

Did you know that they have a mandate in the Gay and Lesbian Community to use the law to attack companies and individuals who oppose their forward progress? Did you know that their strategy is to use the law or abuse the law to do this? Did you know that one of their strategies is to use negative Public Relations to disrupt companies, which oppose them or they think may oppose them?

It gets worse, in fact they have mini-networks in various agencies with inside names and phone numbers that average citizens cannot get. They call this collaboration amongst government, but it is an insider Gay club. Often this club abuses power and uses their reach to assist friends in businesses curtail the efforts of other competing companies, by starting bogus investigations and cases to go on fishing expeditions and if they cannot find something, then they make it up as they go, then file the government lawsuit anyway, while alerting 8800 media outlets in anti-PR against the company. Even if you win the bogus, BS case you lose in the media. Personally I have no hate towards homosexuals, yet our company was attacked, make no mistake, I have no problem with the gay way of life, as long as they keep it way from me, they are free to do whatever they want. I do not hate, but had previously been the target of such abuses of power.

We have a problem in our society, which attacks our fiber, as any group, which condones threatening emails to citizens and believes it is okay to lie in courts, manipulate the law and abuse power in any level of authority in our government, we lose Truth, Justice and the American Way. This fringe gay group is unfit to lead or represent their own Gay and Lesbian Community group; much less any of us citizens in Our government. We own the government and it is not to be used as a tool by one fringe group to force their will on the rest of us. I was unlawfully attacked and threatened in emails that they would use the law to attack me again in some way. This indicates to me that these fringe homosexuals have hijacked our laws and are attempting to hijack our government and violate those willing to point out this fact. Indeed they are willing to violate our free speech rights so they can shout over us in with their free speech rights. Face it. That is what is happening here.

Many Americans are not watching this trend. You see the fringe in the homosexual community want all of us to shut up if we notice this dishonest move to usurp the law to turn us into a group of