Career Success Through Asking Unusual Questions

As a life coach who specializes in helping people find career fulfillment, I am always looking for questions that will trigger awareness about satisfying work. After all, it's the questions that enable people to sort out their desires, values, interests and couple these with their natural talents and trained skills.

Ask a powerful question and you have the ability to cut to the core of what most matters to a person. The trick is to find questions that unlock both emotional and intellectual concerns. Many people become disheartened about career selection when they follow a path based solely on head (reasoning) rather than heart (passion) - I'll become an accountant because it's a respected profession or I won't pursue teaching even though it's my passion because teachers are so poorly respected and paid. Directions followed purely for passion may lack realism - I'll become a football player because I love sports, even though I have limited skill and prowess.

So, I've made it my business to collect and create questions that may seem quirky, but help identify the ultimate quest. Sometimes questions occur from observing life experience