It's The Democrats Who Discriminate

We have been told that it's Republicans who are racists and the ones who discriminate against minorities. This is not true. We only have to look at Democratic and Republican ideologies to find out who the real bigots are. The party that discriminates against minorities is the Democratic party. Are you surprised? Well you shouldn't be.

So lets analyze the Democrats ideology on minorities. Democrats and Liberals believe that we must throw money at immigrants and minorities in order for those groups to survive in America. If the Democrats had their way, they would throw billions of dollars away to immigrant groups in the hopes that those groups would survive. This is a racist policy. The Democrats don't believe that immigrants have the ability to make it in America. They don't believe that immigrants could survive.

This ideology mocks the intelligence and ability of every immigrant that comes to America. It should make them feel inferior that Democrats want to hold their hands and guide them along like little babies. This is horrible and unfair to new immigrants. They don't need a parent. They need a friend.

Republicans believe that every person who comes to this country can make it and live the American dream. Conservatives like me don't care which country those wonderful and awesome people come from. All we believe is that they have the ability, talent and drive to make it in this great country. This belief is what has made this country so great. If the Liberals had their way, they would destroy that ideology and take America down a dark path. You see, it's the Republicans who believe everyone is equal. We give everyone a fair chance. We don't favor any group or person over another.

Democrats discriminate in another way. It's called affirmative action. Democrats and Liberals hide behind this useless policy and claim it's to make the playing field equal. All that affirmative action does is tell minority groups that they're inferior and need big brother's help. If I was a minority, I would be offended by this policy. I would be wondering why big brother didn't believe in me. It's been about forty years since equal employment and affirmative action laws were past. Isn't that long enough? Shouldn't we have more confidence in all Americans?

Democrats continue to discriminate through their actions and policies. They don't believe that immigrants and minorities have the ability to live the American dream. Democrats and Liberals want to act like big brother forcing their ideals on every one. It's my belief that Liberals want to keep immigrants and minorities from living the American dream, so they can enforce their big brother policies on them. You can't fight for the little guy if they succeed and prosper. Who would the Democrats fight for if there wasn't a little guy? This is a racist and horrible ideology. It would offend and hurt me if I was a minority.

The Republican ideology is fair. It treats everyone as being equal. Republicans believe everyone can live the American dream

Anthony Bloch - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anthony B. is the founder and owner of a news, political and sports commentary website.

Anthony has over 7 years of experience as a business professional