Understanding Workplace Violence and What You Can Do

Women face a greater likelihood of encountering workplace violence than men.

Workplace violence victim: Anyone who has been injured, harmed, or who has suffered in some way due to acts of another while on the job or due to job related factors.

Victims are not only those who are the direct targets of a violent act. They may also be those who innocently witness the act. For example, someone who witnesses a verbal or physical attack on a co-worker may suffer emotionally, mentally or physically as a result of what they saw. Victims may also be the unfortunate innocent person who is just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Types of violence: Among the types of violent acts committed in the workplace, the following are the most common:





Twisting of limbs





Property damage


These are very traumatic experiences for the victims. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the above listed incidents resulted in victims taking 3-30 days off of work. The violent episode impacts virtually every aspect of the victim