The Woes of Home Business

After investigating literally dozens of Home Business offers on the internet,I was getting swamped with promises of great wealth and financial security. I was told that I could retire within a short period of time,live a life of luxury,have the home I had always wanted and spend the rest of my life doing nothing.

All these wonderful things were to be mine, for very little investment and time.Well!who's kidding who??

After spending money and time, getting inundated with phone calls from about every state in the union , and being made to feel that I was the only person in the country who could NOT afford to invest more money in a "sure thing" I just said " "ENOUGH ALREADY!!"

I threw out all the videos I had received( to help me take that final step!)tore up all the "workbooks" I had diligently worked on,erased all the long distance phone numbers I had collected and sat back and took stock.

Do I really have what it takes to be a telemarketer,stuffer of envelopes, email sender, newspaper ad placer or even a signer upper of other poor mutts to lose their money, the answer I gave myself was a resounding NO!!

I have now done my homework and feel qualified to become an affiliate with long standing reputable companies. Companies that offer good commission rates, integrity and back up help on an ongoing basis.
No more " get rich quick" schemes for me ,as the only ones that are getting richer, are the ones at the top taking my hard earned money . No more thoughts of "Free Web sites" that add on extras after you sign up.

I will now use my common sense and work towards attaining REALISTIC goals.

As`the old saying goes,"the only place that success comes before work, is in the dictionary."

Ena Clewes - writer, journalist and short story writer. Visit