Beating Atherosclerosis Naturally

Hardening and furring up of the arteries is known as atherosclerosis, it is a common condition of the major blood vessels in which calcium and cholesterol deposits and fatty streaks appear along the vessel walls narrowing the arteries. The condition, coronary artery disease occurs when atherosclerosis affects the arteries supplying the heart; it slows the flow of blood to the heart which can result in chest pain, stroke, kidney failure, peripheral vascular disease and heart attack. Heart attacks are the leading cause of deaths in the western world. Atherosclerosis typically starts from the teenage years and most people are unaware that they have atherosclerosis unless they get symptoms such as high blood pressure, angina (chest pains) and intermittent claudication (leg cramps and pain) upon physical exertion. People with high cholesterol levels and also diabetics are at greater risk of getting atherosclerosis.

To lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis a diet change is a must, avoid meat, dairy food, foods such as margarine that contain trans fatty acids, avoid salt, sugar, coffee, alcohol, egg yolks and try to cut down on refined carbohydrates such as white flour and white rice. Increase in your diet plenty of fruit, vegetables, beans, peas, wholemeal bread and cereals, especially oats and oily fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines.

Changes in your lifestyle will also lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis, if you smoke then quit, take up exercise, try to maintain a healthy weight and try to avoid stress.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from atherosclerosis.

Fish Oil

Folic acid

Garlic tablets

Ginkgo biloba

Green Tea


Multivitamins and minerals


Vitamin A

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B6

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh

Advice for a healthier natural life
