Spray Buff Floors to a Sparkling Shine

Shiny, clean floors are a sign that your staff takes good care of the entire building. Spray buffing floors is an excellent way to preserve a floor's high gloss finish and extend the length of time between stripping floors.

To spray buff, first move any furniture, mats, rugs or other obstacles in the work area. Then put up wet floor or caution signs. Remove any stickers, gum, or labels with a putty knife. Dust mop and then wet mop the floor with a neutral cleaner. Remove black heel marks as you wet mop. Begin spray buffing by carefully spraying a small amount of solution on the floor, directly in front of your machine. In the beginning of the process the floor will look smeared and dull. Make two to three passes with the high speed machine and the shine will return.

A secret to remember is to use a minimum amount of solution on the floor - more isn't better. Wherever you see a black mark, spray that area lightly. The real trick to spray buffing is not letting the solution dry out; buffing must be done while your solution is still moist.

Do not leave the machine in one place for too long or the floor finish will burn. Remember, you are using a 1500-2500 rpm machine so if you keep it in one place you can leave a ring from the pad, and will have to scrub/recoat in order to repair the ring. Also watch for high spots on the floor because if you're using an aggressive pad you can remove finish very quickly. Always make sure that your pads are clean before buffing the floor.

Dust mop the floor after you have finished buffing. This will remove any dust or debris that may have been generated during buffing. Any furniture, file cabinets, rugs or mats that were removed can now replaced. Remove your caution or wet floor signs. The last step is to clean the equipment so it is ready the next time you need it.

The floors in your office buildings can keep their high gloss appearance through spray buffing. These clean, shiny floors are a positive reflection on you and your cleaning staff.

Steve Hanson - EzineArticles Expert Author

Steve Hanson is co-founding member of The Janitorial Store (TM), an online community for owners and managers of cleaning companies who want to build a more profitable and successful cleaning business. Sign up for Trash Talk: Tip of the Week at http://www.TheJanitorialStore.com and receive a Free Gift!