Benchmarking Your Way To Success

Bench Marking

What is bench marking all about? Benchmarking is the process of observation and validation of procedures and practices that the most successful companies employ. They set the standard for success. Who has the best customer service, inventory management, pricing systems, logistics, warehouse management or sales effectiveness process? Any business process can be benchmarked. Once we identify the winners, benchmarking is the means to figure out how the winner got to be the best. This provides insight to help determine what we have to do to reach those standards. Bench marking is a best practice. Best practice is not about opinions. You have a bunch of opinions on best practices, I have opinions on best practice and I have the confidence of my convictions. I am an old sales guy. I know that I am right. Why? Because it just feels right. That is not what Best Practice is about. Best Practice bench marking says -- I am going to go out and compare myself to businesses that are similar to mine and look at somebody that does better then I. I am going to take a look at what they do and if I find a Best Practice, I