Doomsayers and Naysayers - Why You Should Block Them Out

It is little wonder that so many people are in a constant state of depression or anxiety. We are being continually barraged with negative messages from the moment we awake in the morning until our head hits the pillow in the evening.

Being bombarded with news of the latest terrorist attacks, terror warnings, disease warnings, natural disasters on international and national levels and the usual murders, sex attacks, muggings and crime sprees on a local level all combine to give one a pretty dismal view of the world. Even the entertainment industry is obsessed with pumping out movies and television series about disaster, murder and mayhem.

So, what can you do about it?

First, if you have your radio set to wake you up in the morning change it to a non-stop music station not a talk-back station. Do you really need to know how many people lost their lives in horrible ways while you slept? Talk-back feasts on negative news.

When reading your daily newspapers gloss over the negative garbage that fills most of the pages. Instead, turn to the sport or entertainment pages. Do the crossword or other puzzles. Read positive, good news stories - if you can find them! Always read the daily cartoon. Cartoonists usually find a way to put an amusing slant on a serious matter.

Understand this, ALL governments have picked up on the fact that fear is a great motivating force. I know the following comment will be controversial but I am going to make it anyway. Terrorism is their ally. Governments can ram through all sorts of draconian legislation in the guise of "protecting the nation." Just look at what is happening in your own country as proof of that.

Keeping you afraid is the second string in the bow of all governments. The first string, of course, is to keep you poor. Poor and afraid is a winning combination for governments. Populations that are poor and kept in a constant state of fear are easily controlled. Isn't this precisely what ALL politicians want? Think about it. They have a vested interest in perpetuating these negative influences on your life.

Your defense against this invasive assault against you is variable. It all depends on how you choose to cope with it. You can:

  1. read positive books
  2. listen to "happy" music
  3. watch light-hearted entertaining movies
  4. go for a nice walk (minus your cell phone)
  5. visit friends who you enjoy spending time with
  6. go to a restaurant
  7. learn a new skill
  8. engage in a personal development course

Taking your mind off what media companies and governments are force-feeding you with is a great way not to fall under the mesmeric spell that the doomsayers and naysayers of the world want you to feel.

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Gary Simpson - EzineArticles Expert Author

About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Want to receive some inspiration instead of all the death and destruction? Good. Click here.