Oil Cartel and Washington D.C.

Often you will hear anti-sentiments of disenchanted Democrats complain about the Leadership of our nation, claiming those oil people do not care about us. The government and Oil Companies are a giant cartel they will tell you. Indeed they also will add in other large corporations and Industries and the longer you listen to them long enough they will add you in too. In fact this is what recently happened to me while sitting in a coffee shop in Tallahassee, Florida. This Bozo, actually accused me of being in on this so-called conspiracy against America or whatever libelous term he was using on that day. Why? Well, he said because I was in the carwash business and cars use gasoline from oil companies and because I had a conservative point of view or displacement.

Boy I thought that sure was stretch indeed, but I decided to engage this bogus argumentative bozo, just to screw with their head, call me a masochist, but I had some time to kill. Here is basically what I told the guy, I said, look if someone does not want to buy fuel or American Iron on wheels they have the choice right?

I said if you want to change this design a car that runs on water and is made of some other material, with no plastics in it and needs nothing but vegetable oil for lubrication? He was an alternative energy person so I asked have you considered making another option right? That solves that problem.

I explained that with GM's 3rd quarter loss and possible ditching of GMAC shows they will have to re-invent themselves, as they also announced pension and healthcare concessions with their Union. Tooling is an issue also causing rifts in new concepts is the problem with class action lawsuits, over regulation. All caused by negative sentiment like your comments to me. If you attack and call foul, then the government will respond with more regulations, thus raising prices, preventing re-investment, innovation and re-tooling along with more opportunities from Lawyer to sue.

In that climate if you were Ford with a $280 million dollar third quarter loss and forced to close plants or General Motors with their business challenges already would you bother? Hell, I wouldn't. Since this bozo, who was a phychologist of all people was into alternative energy, even though he was driving and SUV, I said well what about a Natural Gas plant, Nuclear Power planet of simply, adding advanced environmental controls to your Coal fired generation plant? No, you wouldn't either, just try to dodge the massive onslaught Sierra Club lawsuits, permit filings.

While, I'll bet building a Refinery would cost 200-300 Million damn dollars to design and get an EIP before you even turned shovel one. For the right to deliver to the free market what they are demanding? At that rate and attack on free markets I say let the people starve, which is what is happening isn't it? Go read Ayn Rand. I am against Cartels in theory, but equally against the enforcement of Monopolies, which have been built, competed and won by increased efficiency and consumer dollar voting. Yet we attack the latter and the free market winners.

It is our fault not the Oil Companies for exercising their rights to free contract. You got a better plan bring it on, instead he went for a refill on his latte. But I said; you will find the government regulations in the way of delivering what is best for all concerned, the company you run, industry, consumer, future of American and even the environment is harmed.

So one could complain about the DC, TX, Detroit so called cartel groups, but one could also see our attacks on the very industries which built this nation. I suppose if these companies would run like Alfred Sloan had envisioned them in the auto industry for instance and like both GE and Boeing currently does, that they might have not gotten their selves in such a pickle. So we can complain about and blame and label and get all caught up in it, or we can streamline it all, kill all the lawyers.

Then you can get with some of your friends and build a new kind of company to deliver the needs to the people. You can call it whatever you want, even a cartel, I wouldn