Aromatherapy To The Rescue!

Happy Holidays! Yes, the holiday season is upon us now in all ways - Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and more. And celebrating takes on a life of its very own it seems. From high-tech parties to small intimate gatherings, in the aftermath, we are faced with recovering from hangovers, feeling of being overstuffed, headaches, weight gain, etc.. "Never again," we say, resolving to change our so-called bad habits especially during our New Years resolutions, often not succeeding for more than a couple of months at most.

There are however, many things one can do to help alleviate the after-effects of partying and indulging, both physical and emotional. Aromas establish and enhance the occasions and alter the mood of your surroundings during party time as well as after. By choosing and blending aromatherapy essential oils and adding it your surroundings, you can easily change the effect from the "'twistin and rockin' the night away" to relaxed, mellow and happy. Here are some oil choices that I would suggest, in combination or singly in an aromatherapy burner, light bulb or ring: geranium, jasmine, sweet orange, clary-sage, rose, bergamot, frankincense, vanilla, ylang ylang, sandalwood, and lavender.

It's a known fact that we do tend to over-indulge during the holidays. Sometimes however, rich and sweet food, alcohol, and other combinations of food that we are offered, tend to take their toll. Too much alcohol consumption can be counteracted to some degree by drinking plenty of water beforehand, which slows down alcohol absorption and helps flush out toxins.

Here is a gentle recipe for the "morning-after" to assist your body to return to normal: 5 drops Fennel, 3 drops Lavender, 5 drops Sandalwood, 10 drops Lemon. Blend and use 8-10 drops in a bath, inhale 4-6 drops on a tissue, or rub 2-3 drops around your liver area and on the back of your neck. Drink lots of water. To facilitate digestion after the onslaught of rich and sweet foods you can choose from the following essential oils: lemon, mandarin, peppermint, dill, spearmint, ginger, coriander. Slice small pieces of raw ginger into a cup of boiling water and drink - this will help alleviate nausea and general abdominal discomfort. You can also mix 1-2 drops of your chosen essential oil with 1 teaspoon honey, mix with hot water and drink.

On the non-physical side of things, holidays and the turning of the new year especially, can also be an emotional challenge - depression, anxiety, apathy, boredom, loneliness, and frustration and prevalent for many. One of the great advantages of essential oils is that they not only assist in detoxifying the body, but also help a person to feel and think positively. Even as something simple as feeling guilty for overindulging during the holidays and not being able to stick to your New Years resolutions can have long-lasting effects.

Essential oils can bring down aggression, reduce tension and anxiety, soothe the nerves and help us cope with the myriad of feelings that are produced. One of my favorite recipes to deal with body tension and anxiety includes 10 drops of geranium, 5 drops of lavender, and 15 drops of bergamot. These can be blended together along with 30 ml of your favorite massage oil. Use as a massage oil, in a bath or in a diffuser.

Although aromatherapy oils are by no means cures for any of these situations, Mother Nature's little helpmates certainly can alleviate some of these symptoms and problems. So in the spirit of the New Year, be kind to yourself and may good wishes and smells abound.

Olena Gill - EzineArticles Expert Author

Copyright 2005

Olena Gill is a health holistic practitioner and health & wellness coach at The Mind-Body Connection Centre in Errington, BC, Canada. For more information you can visit: or