Vitamin Supplements-Why Should You Take Them?

The pace of life is much faster than it was in times gone by and as such it's not uncommon for us to start the day in a rush before we get to leave home in the morning. As many of us work longer hours so the benefits of ready prepared food become more appealing and as a consequnce it's unlikely that we give any consideration to just what we are eating or even to contemplate if we are eating the right things.

If we had the time it is likely we would discover that our diets are probably deficient in the vitamins needed to maintain healthy living and the stress of rushing through life makes it worse. Taking this into consideration it could be considered vital that we take vitamin supplements to help maintain a healthy life.

Few people realize the importance vitamins play in maintaining a healthy lifestyle because a diet deficient in vitamins has serious implications, your hair will start to lose its shine, fatigue will become common and you will become more susceptible to colds and other illnesses.

If you don't think this is true, ask yourself how often are you feeling tired in the middle of the day and just how many days did you take from work in the last year. Be honest with yourself and you may find the answer to that question more revealing than you care to admit.

In today's hectic and often stressful world staying healthy is essential and one of the surest ways you can remain healthy is to ensure your body has the vitamins and minerals it needs to function correctly. The easiest way to make sure your body has enough vitamins is to take vitamins supplements every day!

Vitamin supplements can help to ward off these feeling so that you can go about life in the normal way without feeling so tired or getting sick so often and that can only be a good thing!

More importantly however, are the long-term effects on your health from vitamin deficiencies, because without sufficient vitamins in your diet we are increasing the risk from other diseases as vitamins and minerals are essential in the normal processes of the body and without them the body struggles to carry out normal functioning.

For example vitamin K is fat-soluble and essential for the synthesis of certain proteins necessary for the clotting of blood. A shortage though not common results in impaired clotting of the blood and internal bleeding.

Deficiency in vitamin B2

A shortage of this vitamin can show itself as cracks and sores at the corners of the mouth, eye disorders, inflammation of the mouth and tongue, skin lesions are but a few of the possible symptoms. Dermatitis, dizziness, hair loss, insomnia, light sensitivity, poor digestion, retarded growth, and slow mental responses are also possible and burning feet can also indicate a shortage.

A recent report, entitled "Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency estimated that up to one-third of the world's people suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies, leading to a reduction in national IQs of up to 15 percentage points through iodine shortages in particular. It also stated that Vitamin A deficiency can be directly attributable to the death of 1 million young children each year.

It concluded that everyone who cares about the future of children and the development of nations should heed this report," said UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy. "The overwhelming scope of the problem makes it clear that we must reach out to whole populations and protect them from the devastating consequences of vitamin and mineral deficiency.

About The Author
John Buckle