Living With the Big Bang

I once emailed the staff of a renowned British cosmologist. To my surprise, I got an answer from one of his staff. I forget what we were discussing, but here is the answer I got: "The universe was created from nothing and everywhere at once."

That was the BIG BANG!

The theory of the "big bang" implies that if not enough oomph was supplied initially; the stars would not have had enough time to form and go supernova.

No supernova, no people on planets like earth. We are made from the contents of exploding stars, you know. That is where the elements beyond hydrogen are formed. One very important element to we humans is carbon, but there are others too. Did you ever have an iron deficiency?

If too much oomph was supplied initially, the dispersion would be so great that stars would never form at all. We are not part of that scenario; however, I have it on good authority that that is exactly what happened on the first try at creating this universe.

One angel was heard to say, "I think you need to cut back a mite, God!" (Some disagree with this. They say the angel said, "You may have to cut back from all your might, God." They are just being picky.)

Hearing that comment, God said, "Sometimes I don