Present a Unity Gift Candle To Loved Ones During Your Wedding Ceremony

Unity gift candles are commonly custom printed to match your personalized unity candle, including design, candle color, ink color, bride's and groom's first names, and wedding date. Gift candles are a great way to say thank you to parents, grandparents or other loved ones who are a special part of your wedding day. The unity gift candle symbolizes the union of the bride and groom as two become one. Presenting unity gift candles to parents or other loved ones adds a touching and sentimental moment to your special day. Each gift candle will become a keepsake momento of your wedding day and a reminder of your devotion to one another. There are different ways to incorporate the unity gift candle presentation into your unity candle-lighting ceremony. Here are a few options:

OPTION 1: Present the Unity Gift Candles Before the Unity Candle Ceremony
Prior to the wedding, call or meet with your ceremony officiant to advise him of your intention to present gift candles to your parents(or other loved ones). Ask the officiant if he would say a few words about the purpose of the unity gift candles while you present them to your parents(other loved ones) prior to your unity candle-lighting ceremony.

Sample wording - Officiant: (Name of Bride) and (Name of Groom) will now present their parents with a unity gift candle to symbolize their union - two shall become one as they join together as husband and wife.

Place your gift candles near the unity candle, when decorating for the wedding ceremony. Once the unity candle-lighting ceremony is about to begin, the bride and groom should each take a single unity gift candle and present it to their parents. This can be done simultaneously or the bride can present her gift candle to her parents first, followed by the groom's presentation to his parent's. Another option is to have the groom present a candle to the bride's parents and the bride present a candle to the groom's parents. Any additional gift candles, for other family members or friends, should be presented to loved ones after the parents and/or grandparents have received their gift candles.

OPTION 2: Present the Unity Gift Candles After the Unity Candle Ceremony
Prior to the wedding, call or meet with your ceremony officiant to advise him of your intention to present gift candles to your parents(or other loved ones). Ask the officiant if he would say a few words about the purpose of the unity gift candles while you present them to your parents(or other loved ones) immediately following your unity candle-lighting ceremony.

Sample wording - Officiant: As (Name of Bride) and (Name of Groom) have symbolized their union by lighting the unity candle, they will now present their parents with a unity gift candle to symbolize their love and commitment to each other as they join together as husband and wife.

Follow the steps outlined in Option 1 above regarding the placement of the unity gift candles and the order in which each candle should be presented. If you will be having a pianist, organist or disc jockey play music throughout your wedding ceremony, you may also consider having them play a portion of special song during your gift candle presentation. The music may be played softly while the officiant says a few words about your presentation, or you may wish to have only music playing during your presentation. The most important thing is to personalize your gift candle presentation according to what you feel is most appropriate and special for you and your gift recipients.

Dawn Dingus is an experienced wedding planner and a content writer for Shop at for personalized unity and gift candles, jewelry, keepsakes and other wedding accessories and personalized gifts for all occasions.