The Use of Color in Your Landscape

The Use Of Color. Color can capture and hold your attention almost more than anything else in your landscape. It also gives landscapes definition and interest and adds another dimension to the landscape. By knowing a few facts about how the human eye relates to color, you can make it work to your advantage in your landscape. A color wheel is helpful to understand the relationship between colors.

  1. Red, red-orange and yellow are considered to be warm colors.
  2. Green, blue, blue-green, blue-violet, and violet are considered to be cool colors.
  3. To the eye, warm colors tend to advance and cool colors tend to recede. If planted side by side at a distance, the warm colors will appear closer and the cool colors further away. You can use these effects to create spatial illusions. Planting cool colored flowers at the rear of your garden will make the yard seem larger, warm colors will make the yard seem smaller.
  4. Spot plantings can have similar effects seeming to deepen a part of the yard or bring it closer.
  5. Cool colored plants are good for close-up viewing, warm colors are good for dramatic displays.
  6. Cool colors can easily be overwhelmed by warm colors.
There are different ways that color can be worked into the landscape. Some of the most common color schemes are as follows:
Before planting, take note of your background and surroundings: Be willing to experiment with color, especially when using annuals. A great way to try mixing colors is by mixing up your plants in container plantings. Containers can be easily moved around and adjusted so you can see the effect that your colors have in your landscape.

Color in a landscape will be the first thing that catches your eye and can also stand out like a sore thumb. By taking some time planning your gardens, your landscape can be the envy of the neighborhood.

Donna Evans is a freelance writer, website designer and landscape designer. She is co-owner of Gizmo Creations LLC, a landscape and website design firm,, located in Merrifield, Minnesota.