Let Your Action Lead The Way

If your like me, know doubt you have had a time happen where you had a super idea, but for whatever reason you let a month or so pass and the next thing you know your 'sure winner' was little more than a fleeting thought. My friend it happens to us all. The important thing is that we take that important 'first step'...

How's this accomplished you ask? Each day set for yourself an action step that you must take towards its completion. For example, say I tell myself that today I want to spend x amount of time researching my idea. In doing this I have taken an active step that will keep the idea fresh in my mind. Remember, goals are accomplished with daily (often times in tiny steps) steps!

Even more important than daily steps is to try and give your goal a time frame. For example if I say, "ok Josh I want to be able to be at such and such a point by (pick your particular time frame) I am far more likely to achieve it then if I do so without giving myself a deadline (make certain your deadlines are realistic. Be careful not to choose unrealistic time frames. Doing so could leave you feeling extremely discouraged).

A bit about deadlines. We need to be careful that our self- imposed deadlines are realistic. I can think of nothing as discouraging as having chosen a deadline only to find that it wasn't reached (not because we didn't act, but rather that time simply would not allow for its achievement).

To your success, Josh Hinds

Josh Hinds - EzineArticles Expert Author

Josh Hinds specializes in helping people set and achieve their goals and live the life of their dreams. For expert advice on goal setting visit http://GoalsSuccess.com now!