Thought Control of the Weather

Recent natural disasters such as the earthquakes in Pakistan, hurricane Katrina, the tsunami in Indonesia and others have caused measureless devastation and suffering. Can such disasters be avoided or diminished in strength and destructiveness? Can the collective thought energy of a large group of people have an affect on the weather?

A study carried out in 1993 demonstrated the power of collective thought energy. A large group of people skilled in the practice of transcendental meditation focused their collective minds on the problem of crime in Washington D.C. The results were impressive, to say the least. Crime rates fell 25 percent during the weeks of focused meditation. This test of the power of thought energy was scientifically validated and shown to affect an entire city.

Can similar results be achieved in controlling or diminishing the strength of natural disasters? Is it possible for a large group of people sharing the same intentions and focus of will power to have the power necessary to control the weather?

Is this idea a dangerous one? Could such an attempt backfire and cause even more damage to the human race?

Is such an exercise a complete waste of time? Perhaps it is possible for a thought collective to control weather patterns but fear of success or fear of failure deters the modern mind from making such attempts. It is possible that such things are happening right now and we just haven