How can I quickly find the information I want over the Inter

You may have found yourself in a situation where you need to do some research over the Internet to know more about a subject that concerns your business or interests you, and you don't know where to start from. I've got some tips for you to find what you want, quickly.

First of all, the first step as Steven Covey says is beginning with the end in mind. Have an idea of what you want to find, and the purpose that you want it for. Then, structure your research according to an strategy.

I'm suggesting you today to use the journalists' strategy: the five "wh" questions. These are What, Who, When, Where, and Why. You can also add another one, How. Around answering these questions you can obtain the information you need quickly.

Let's see this with an example. Let's say you're interested in RSS feeders, you've heard about them but don't quite know how they work, and would like to know more just about that. You structure your search for information about RSS feeders around these questions, and the answers can easily direct you to the sources of information:

-What: RSS feeders. Look for the term in an encyclopedia for web terms, search in forums to see what people say about it, look into Google news to know the latest about it.
-Who: the creators or the users of the RSS feeders. In this case you're not interested in the Who.
-When: we can think of when it all started (history, but we're not interested on this now) or when they are used, which is when a new piece of information is produced and fed to individuals' computer interfaces.
-Where: over the Internet.
-Why: you could answer this question if you want to go philosophical. For the purpose of the search, you would have already found what you want.

So next time that you have to do a search about anything, do it by answering these questions and looking into the places that can answer it straight. You will obtain much more useful information in a much quicker way.

About the Author

Cristina Diaz Garcia is a journalist and co-founder of She enjoys researching the net and developing new projects. Visit her site at