Life - The Law

To achieve an ultimate goal of universal and perpetual peace, it is the duty of every man's responsibility. Everyone has virtuous inborn spiritual characteristics, unfortunately the majority of the world's population, lacking spiritual apprehension , rather choose to lay down their lives for the price of material interests and comfort. Hence, God sent down the five great religions namely; Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam to prepare man for the return to God's kingdom.

The consciousness of spiritual existence is beyond time and space, it is eternal and with the firm conviction of religions, man can come to this awareness. Running in line with today's modern world of technology, the five main religions, even though generations after generations have lapsed, they still prevail strongly in the hearts of innumerous believers. Taoism being the earliest has a historical record of more than four thousand years; Confucianism and Buddhism more than two thousand five hundred years; Christianity more than a thousand nine hundred years; and Islam being the latest almost a thousand years ago.

The five founders; Lao Tze, Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Muhammad, having attained enlightenment after a long and unbending quest for spiritual root, illuminate the world from further moral deterioration with their discourses. Although they lived in different eras and their teaching methods contrast one another, they in fact contribute a great share to the dissemination of the Universal Truth or Law.

Lao Tze said, "When man began to slide from his virtuous root, he would inevitably bring himself a string of misfortunes. Therefore the 'good' and 'ill' fate of man, is his own motivation or action."

Confucius said, "Benevolence is the characteristic element of humanity. Wisdom, magnanimity and energy, these three, are the virtues universally binding."

Buddha said, "All sufferings of man were pertained both through sensual craving and obsession with sex."

Jesus Christ said, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

Prophet Muhammad said, "The life of the world is but a sport and a pastime. And if you believe and ward off evil, He (God) will give you your wages, and will not ask of you your worldly wealth."

With the extracted quotations from the scriptures of the five worldly religions, we can well comprehend that they are striving towards One Ultimate Goal. Obey the law; we will find rewards, disobey the law; we will find sufferings.

Most people seek for their own gain, so they may easily fall prey to the evil force. The greatest power is the heart-power, so is the greatest evil force. Allow these guides to help us obeying the law, "Taoism talks on Great ultimate, Confucianism talks on Humanity, Buddhism talks on Nirvana, Christianity describes Paradise Land and Islam talks on Highest Observation" so that we do not break the law of nature.

Author: T.A Chew

T.A Chew, realized that he had broken a few laws of nature in his younger days. By turning around and obeying the law, he found that people say he looks ten years younger instead of ten years older during his lost days. He had gained twenty years of youth as a reward. Website: