When You Feel More Than Friendship - What To Do When Your Feelings Are At A Crossroads

What about that guy in your everyday life who is almost like a brother to you - or is he?

You may have laughed with him, gone on trips with him, and confided in him for months - maybe even years!

Sometimes a strange thing can happen.

You might start feeling nervous around the person for reasons you can't explain.

You might start fussing about your appearance when you know you're going to be seeing that person.

It might dawn on you that your attachment is growing at an alarming rate.

Then one day you find that you start feeling an odd sense of jealousy when he tells you about his girlfriends.

That's when it hits you - you want more than friendship!!

What should you do? What if you tell him, and this messes up your treasured friendship that means so much to you?

What would YOU do?

Grab him for an unexpected kiss at the right moment? Maybe... that sounds like the most fun option.

Send a card? NO! Definitely not!

It might be best to move away from the friendship somewhat, and start getting interested in other people and activities as well. You'll end up meeting people you wouldn't have otherwise met, and you'll have some perspective.

The most challenging and risky move is to tell your friend how you truly feel. Your decision is affected by several factors:

1. Whether or not he is already involved with someone else!

2. How likely you think it is that he will return your feelings

3. How secure you feel in the friendship: that even if he does not return your feelings, the friendship will not be destroyed by your admission.

Try to be honest with yourself. That does NOT mean that you have to spill your guts - no law says that this is what "honesty" means. It's perfectly okay to keep things to yourself. Just try to be honest with yourself.

Some things are better left unsaid. Sometimes it's wise to "wait and see."

Your friend will feel that "something in the air" if it's there for him as well. If it's meant to be, it will happen.

Not that you can't help things along... but gently.

Yes, it's true - I did witness two grown men staring daggers at each other in public all because of me... Every woman should have that happen once in her life. (More than that would be hazardous to your health.)
Find out why it happened at www.secrets-of-flirting.com

Mimi Tanner reveals the secrets of flirting and getting the attention of your man. It's not as hard as you think. Check out Secrets of Flirting With Men You may reprint this article if this statement is included, with all links unchanged.