Life - Fantasies & Realities

Real, what is real? Unreal, what is unreal? For many a time, man often cannot differentiate them. The air is real but no man can ever touch it or feel it. The mists and clouds look so real, yet nothing contains within them. Human life is unreal for it is not a permanent affair, yet man take it for real. Thereby, we see everything with seriousness and cannot get away from money and fame. Money in its paper form, man can feel it, look at it and even enjoy playing with it, but with a big fire, nothing will ever remain.

The world is full of mysterious things. Let us take a real look at it. People often say that Hell is a suffering place and why not we ask Lord "Yama" for his opinion? This is what he said,

"In this suffering place, the Gate is closed yet many come this way. The Heavenly Door is open yet few walk towards it. People walk into this Gate, knowing very well what is in store for them. There is level after level. It depends on which level one lands. People who have no merit are bound to come in. Each level has different souls bearing different faults. People who practise things contrary to the Heavenly Way often regret the things they have done. But during their life time they have forgotten virtuous deeds. Landing on the present spot, they cry for help and suffer as their actions had called for it. Wailing and crying for an opportunity misused, many people have forgotten about these sufferings that they have gone through. I feel that all have the opportunity to turn back before coming face to face with this Gate."

The underworld is real and not a myth to frighten people. Truth cannot be seen and explained. If it can be explained, it is not the Truth. Human often have doubts about these teachings. The sun rises each day and the direction remains the same. It sets at the same corner without fail. No explanation can be seen by man, but it remains a truth. Asking man to explain why, man cannot give, except that there is a fixed course, no other explanation in its true form can be obtained. The truth to human life is that all beings when they are born are in their natural and compassionate way. They know not of evil and its deeds. This is the truth and that is why all new born are full of compassionate love! Outwardly, man may seem good but the truth no one can really see. This is real.

Realizing the real self is the ultimate aim. Everyone has the real self and the false self. The real self is the divine eternal soul and the false self is the body, that will die one day and disappear from the face of earth and forgotten. Realizing it one will know how to differentiate between good or evil, right or wrong, and fantasies or realities. For an example a strong young man who seeks your assistance. He will not work but daily seeks food from you. If you give him the food, indeed it is charitable deed but on the other hand you are encouraging him not to work. Which is right and which is wrong? If we realize this, we will know which one is truly charitable deed. Man often cannot differentiate them, the unreal, they take it for real and the real, they think it is unreal. Therefore realization is important not only to seek the inner self but also to seek the truth of things.

The advice from above is not to be over-serious about what is real and what is not, or what is fantasy and what is reality. Just do our basic duties in the best way and to cultivate every moment that is left. Cultivation need not be sitting down nor be in a meditation stage. In our daily affairs we too can cultivate. Cultivate by first rectifying ourselves, our thoughts and every action.

My Heavenly Teacher, JiGong said, "If the Teacher teaches you the way to touch a stone and turn it into gold, would it be useful? It cannot save your spirit and life! Disciples, why must you receive this 'pointing-out' from the Bright Master? The purpose of this 'pointing-out' is to help you surpass births and put an end to deaths, and to let your life and your spiritual nature be sublime." The purpose of the 'pointing-out' is to awake the inner divine soul so that we can differentiate between fantasies and realities.

Author: T.A Chew

T.A Chew was shown the way on the 15th, 3rd month 1995 by Master JiGong 'pointing-out' the Tao and since then he cultivates to restore his divine inner true self. It is clear to him what is fantasy and what is reality. Website: