Where CIOs Can Make the Biggest Impact

What is the aspect of the role where CIOs can make the biggest impact? What can we do to make that impact? In Change Management, you have to identify a compelling need to change. Do you have an organization that will support you? Do you have the skills? Do you have the relationships? What's your mission?

The door between the Chief Information Officer CIO and CFO offices is opening wider, and the executives are building a path to regular interaction that allows the Information Technology IT function to excel in meeting the business' needs, not simply to comply with regulatory mandates or budgetary strictures.

The most time-absorbing activity is ensuring that Information Tecnology IT systems are efficient across an organisation, through careful delegation, "You won't get into the chief executive's office if his PC is down!"

Companies are increasingly handing CIOs the role of change agent. They're getting that responsibility because of their unique position at the nexus of multiple trends. And computing resources are pooled and tailored for simpler management and better utilisation.

Finance and Information Technology IT can lead the way in setting standards and developing platforms to support collaboration inside the company and in the extended enterprise - for instance, customers, distribution channels, and suppliers.

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S. Maurer is a 53-years old college graduated IT professional, with 30 years of experience in the computer & technology business. Now is the Correspondence Courses Director of the Abet Open University: http://mba-open-university.net and http://cio-certification-ccio.net.