Tips to Building Lasting and Happy Relationships

Relationships, whether dating or married, are hard work. Things do not always go perfectly, fighting does occur, and it takes a 100% commitment from both parties to make it a success. Often when people break off a relationship, they feel as though something is missing. The "spark" is gone, leaving one or both people feeling inadequate and unfulfilled.

There are hundreds of things you can do to better your relationship and rekindle that "spark" which had once grown to a full-blown flame but has now faded to a dying ember. To help you get started in the right direction, here are five ways to build, strengthen, enhance, relight the fire and rekindle the romance in your relationship.

Remember, little steps taken every day will add up to big success!

1. The Power of Touch

Playing with your mate's hair, rubbing their hand, a soft kiss on the neck, a soft pat on the leg or giving a gentle back rub will make a huge difference in how your mate responds to you. Do not be surprised if you get a strange look of curiosity the first time. A simple, loving touch can pull a relationship through a crisis.

2. Don't Be So Predictable

If asking couples the factors involved in the demise of their relationship, one the common responses is that everything in the relationship is so predictable. When rebuilding a relationship, do not be afraid of letting go of boredom. Take some chances and do the unexpected.

3. A Night of Passion

Intimacy and passion in relationships is not only important but also healthy. Couples need to enjoy being together in an intimate way. When relationships are troubled, the last thing either person wants is to be sexual or passionate with each other. This is an important part of the healing and rebuilding of the relationship and although it might be awkward in the beginning, it is crucial. Make your intimate time together special. Surprise your mate with a warm bubble bath, lighted candles, soft music, and a bottle of wine, or reserve a nice romantic evening at a local hotel to include a wonderful candlelit dinner, fine wine and a beautiful room.

4. Happy Birthday

As people grow older, in general, birthdays become less celebrated. Gifts are quickly given, if at all, meals eaten and it is over. For your mate's next birthday, take some time to plan something very special. Make this a true celebration of their life as a way of showing your love and affection.

5. That Kiss

As couples become comfortable with each other, kisses can become lame. Get rid of the pecks and get serious with the kisses. You will find that as you pay attention to your kissing and let your mate know that you enjoy kissing them, you will both feel better about your relationship.

As you can see, relationships take work! However, with the right attitude, a lot of hard work, and some unique ideas on how to make it successful, couples can have a strong, lifelong relationship.

Scott Morris manages the site on asian dating online.