STOEM; Super Tropical Over the Top Electro Magnetic Creation

So what is a Tropical STOEM or Hurricane STOEM? It is a Super Tropical Storm, which is created using electromagnetic devices by mankind to produce and over the top Tropical Storm, Typhoon or Super Hurricane. What will it be used for? Well it will become part of the United States Military secret weather weapon arsenal as per their new directive of owning the weather by 2025, with the ability for stopping the enemy advances and cut off distribution channels to the battlespace.

The STOEM System can also be used as a peacetime device to re-direct the Jet Stream to guide a Hurricane or steer it away from populated areas. During times of long-tern severe droughts it will be able to guide storm systems to parched lands where farmers need water very badly. It can be used to guide storms to areas to fill up surface lakes and reservoirs, which provide water to large population bases in the United States. Since the technology exists now and we are learning how to use it, we can now implement Project S.T.O.E.M to help protect our civilization, defend our nation, steer Tropical Storms and Hurricanes or prevent long-term droughts. Luckily with all the super computer data from weather research we are now ready to help ourselves to some happy weather. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

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