Recycling Article Content on Your Website

Do you have a website with hundreds of pages many of which do not get viewed very often? Does it bother you to keep creating content for your website only to find it disappear in the search engines? One thing you can do is recycle your content.

Having many articles myself, which are important to mankind, but are completely stagnant now after a year or so on our websites I was bothered, in fact I have taken the titles and searched them in Google. Exact titles and they are nowhere to be found, well at least on the first 7 pages. This is why no one ever comes to those pages anymore. It is therefore time for me to recycle some of these pages.

One way to do this is to re-submit them with only a little modification perhaps a paragraph or so and definitely a complete title modification and a set of key words too. I realize this maybe against your personal policy, as it smacks of