White Sun - Lesson in Hell

Goddess of Mercy known as "Kuan Yin" is known to every Chinese regardless of religion. Her compassion and love to save human beings from suffering have been depicted in one of her many forms as "Thousand Arms Goddess of Mercy" indicating extending her arms to save everyone who calls for her help and mercy. On 19th October 1976, she gave a discourse to the suffering souls in Hell and this is what she said;

"From the beginning of Time, there has been endless series of births, deaths, and rebirths but although the body decays, the spirit is never destroyed. Although you are here you still do not understand that even if the body is dead and decayed, your original spirit still exists. On Earth there are such things as love, hatred, jealousy, ill-feeling etc all like a dream. This dreaming will continue forever, following the theory of cause and effect and unless it is stopped, it will stupefy human beings and the result will be continuous transmigration of souls - a series of deaths and re-births in various forms.

Now the world is undergoing changes. You will observe that nowadays, a new born child is more enlightened, intelligent and active than one born many decades ago. This is the secret of Nature but this is like a flame of a candle when blown by the wind - anytime the flame can be extinguished. Therefore because of assumed smartness of people at present, their spiritual nature is self-exhausted and they do not stand to any reason at all, thus causing so much suffering and misunderstanding everywhere resulting in so much social disorder. Because of all these misdeeds on Earth, your sins follow your souls to Hades (Hell) here.

You must understand that if there is a body there must be a shadow. Do not be under the wrong impression that if there is no light there is no shadow, but when it concerns your actions, the shadow is there whether there is light or not. However, if one has a "sinful thought", the sin is already recorded irrespective of whether it is actually committed or not. Now that your souls are here in the Second Tribunal, it means that all of you still have some conscience left and have a desire for penance. I hope that you will understandingly accept any punishment that will be imposed so that your sins can be atoned for. You must suffer in patience but I will be your saviour."

In the Chinese culture many Chinese are said to be born having affinity with Goddess of Mercy. With reference to the discourse above by her in the Underworld, those souls who had heard her teaching would have affinity with her when they are born as human beings. Affinity with Goddess of Mercy can originate from Hell or Heaven. If from Heaven, that implies the person has holy bones and he will be a good person with a holy mission to spread Tao or the teachings of Goddess of Mercy.

Author: T.A Chew

T.A Chew in the middle of 1993 was shown a great miracle by Goddess of Mercy and at the end of the same year after a flash of a very bright light, saw Goddess of Mercy. From then on he became a vegetarian, renovated his house into a temple and had written a few books. Website: http://www.white-sun.com