White Sun - I Ching (Yin & Yang)

The eight trigrams formed the foundation of the earliest holy scripture of China, "I Ching". Five thousand years ago, Emperor Fu Shi obtained the true Tao after seeking twenty-four masters. When he was bestowed upon the Decree of Heaven, a sacred diagram on the body of a dragon horse was revealed to him after appearing from the river Ho. It was called the Diagram of the River. There were fifty-five dots of "Yin" and "Yang" to represent the five elements - water, fire, wood, metal and earth.

After learning the diagram, he observed the Heaven and Earth, studied the conditions of the environment, habits and forms of animal and bird. From these observations, he then started to formulate the eight trigrams for the purpose of helping people to realize the virtue of Heaven to recover the true nature of mankind. Subsequently many Holy Emperors modified and improved on it and then finalized by Confucius after more than a thousand years. It ranked the most supreme among all the scriptures. "I Ching" is then the product of Emperor Fu Shi, Sunlung, Huang, Yow, Shun, Yu, Tong and King Wen and lastly Confucius.

It first states "Qian," the beginning, cultivation, reward and perseverance. "Qian" has the great might of creation. All things owe their existence to "Qian". It represents "Tao" in the cosmos and the True Self in human. "Beginning," the utmost benevolence, is the beginning of the cosmos. "Cultivation," the utmost perfection, symbolizes the prosperity of beings in the cosmos. "Reward," the mysticism of the Truth, indicates that all things and beings are at proper places and in harmony. "Perseverance," the root of all substances and matters, represents that all beings following the everlasting Tao.

The "Xi" section of "I Ching" states that the origin of "I" is "Tai-ji" (the Great Primal Beginning). "Tai-ji" produces the two primary forces "Yin" and "Yang". The two primary forces generate the four images: young "yang," old "yang," young "yin" and old "yin". The four images generate the eight trigrams. The eight trigrams symbolize Heaven, Earth, and all phenomena within. The eternal opposition and changes between "yin" and "yang" is Tao.

The interactions between "yang" and "yin" reveal the five fundamental elements - water, wood, fire, earth and metal. The "Qi" (spirit) of these five fundamental elements circulates to produce the sequential changes of the four seasons. When "yin" settles to the ultimate quiescence, it starts to transform into "yang," and this is young "yang". In Heaven, this is Beginning. On Earth, it denotes east in directions, spring in four seasons, and benevolence in virtues. When "yang" expands, "yin" contracts. When "yin" totally vanishes, it is old "yang". In Heaven, this is Cultivation. On Earth, it denotes south in directions, summer in four seasons and propriety in virtues. When "yang" expands to its maximum and exhausts itself, "yin" evolves, and this is young "yin". In Heaven, this is Reward. On Earth, it denotes west in directions, autumn in four seasons and justice in virtues. "Yin" distends continuously until "yang" totally vanishes, and this is old "yin". In Heaven, it is Perseverance. On Earth, it denotes north in directions, winter in four seasons, and wisdom in virtues. A new cycle starts at the end of the old "yin". The endless regeneration of this cycle is called the Tao of Heaven and Earth.

In the teachings of Tao of Heaven, our Heavenly Teacher, JiGong explained to us in detail in the book called "The Answers to the Truth" in Chinese. It is not possible to explain in this article because it involved diagrams and very deep and complicated Chinese words and terms which are almost impossible to translate clearly into English.

Author: T.A Chew

T.A Chew, in his younger days always wondered why every living thing had male and female. It definitely must have a creator supreme to human and later get to know that it is because of "Yin" and "Yang" and God. Looking up at the sky sometimes, he longs to go home. It is our home and only there we can have eternal peace. Website: http://www.white-sun.com