What Would Jesus Blog?

Let me first say this: Jesus would definitely be a blogger, no question about it. He constantly was using whatever resources were available to him to get his message out there. Finding out what He would blog about is an interesting question. If I were to really think about what Jesus would blog about, I think Jesus would blog about relationships, customer service, and using technology to connect the two. Relationship is what Christ is all about, relationship with Him, with His Father, and with each other. Customer service would be important because the one thing that turns people off about a message is bad customer service. Think about it: if you hear something you like, and then when you go to learn more or actually buy the product, you have a bad experience, do you keep buying it or believing it? I think that podcasting and the iPod Nano would be two of His favorite technology items. Podcasting because He would probably have limited funds and want to get the word out in the most popular method of the time). He'd blog about the iPod Nano because so many have bought it, and though not everyone loves it, it is affordable enough it could store the full Bible on it, along with some worship tunes that you could share with your friends.

I also think He would also be blogging about servant leadership. Servant Leadership , and on pop culture, and any other way he could connect with the masses. He'd share examples to help us connect who we are to what we were made for. And though He would blog, there would be those that would doubt it was Him, and doubt the validity of His words. At least that's what I think, from what I know of Him.

Phil Gerbyshak - EzineArticles Expert Author

Phil Gerbyshak leads a team of IT help desk professionals in Milwaukee, WI, and finds that sharing his knowledge is a crucial component in his success as a leader and as a person. Phil's personal philosophy is paraphrased from Tim Sanders' fantastic book Love is the Killer App: "Share your knowledge, your network, and your love. The rest will follow." Read more of Phil's ideas at http://makeitgreat.org