Plantar Facitis and Causes of Pain in Foot Problems

Plantar facitis and causes of pain in foot problems are related to several common reasons. Plantar facitis is the inflammation of the connective tissue on the bottom of your foot that attaches to your heel. This pain is usually felt at the bottom of your heel and quite often is worse in the morning because of stiffening that happens during the night.

The causes of pain in foot problems can be:

1. Physical Injury to the Foot, Arch or Heel - running, jogging or walking can result in injury to the foot which then becomes inflammed.

2. Repetitive Pounding of the Foot - especially repetitive pounding of the foot from running. Once a plantar facitis problem begins, being on your feet more can lead to additional tearing in the fascia which results in more inflammation and pain.

3. Obesity - excess weight transmits more stress to the plantar fascia area, which can lead to plantar facitis pain.

4. Poor Fitting, Hard-Soled Uncomfortable Shoes - shoes that do not provide adequate support can be one of the causes of pain in foot problems. Well-made, proper-fitting rubber-soled shoes will cushion the impact of the heel striking the surface and can help reduce heel pain.

5. Tight Muscles - especially in the calf area. Tight muscles in the calves will stress the foot muscles and tendons more, and tight muscles are more prone to injury and inflammation.

Plantar facitis pain can be just a minor annoyance or it can become serious enough to be disabling. If you have experienced moderate to severe plantar facitis, you know how debilitating it can be. However, understanding the causes of pain in foot problems can help you know how to find relief. Foot surgery should be considered the very last option. There are proven ways you can treat plantar facitis and reduce heel pain.

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Read and learn more about plantar facitis treatment, ways to reduce heel pain and how to tell if shoes provide adequate support. Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a website of natural health articles and information.