A Perfect Cup of Coffee

There are several steps and many factors that help to create the perfect cup of coffee. Not just one, brewing, ass many would assert. Coffee lovers strive to find the perfect cup of coffee, but are often eluded because adverse water conditions or burned beans keep them from their perfect prize. Making the the perfect cup of coffee depends on the following factors and circumstances.

The quality of the water used to brew the perfect cup of coffee is extremely important. One should use filtered, bottled, or distilled water. Removing minerals from the water that can adversely affect the flavor of the coffee is desirable for the end result. In addition to making your coffee taste better, it reduces the number of times you have to decalcify your brewing equipment. Over heated water (above the boiling point) makes bitter tasting coffee and water that is too cold makes weak coffee. Coffee drinkers should never use tap water

The quality of the beans depends on the country the beans come from, the variety of bean grown, the growing conditions in a particular year and the general climate, the method used to collect the beans, and how they were processed. The storage conditions of the beans on their long journey to the roaster are also a factor.

All of these factors have an effect on the quality of the coffee in your cup. Coffee can be like fine wine, imported beer, or single malt scotch in its complexity of flavor and aroma. The entire experience has dependence on a myriad of factors affecting the final product.

Those who appreciate the finer flavors of regional coffees and the effects that the environment has on a particular season