The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

The women I work with are all extremely successful. They are educated, have challenging careers and are fantastic mothers. Yet despite all this success some feel that something is missing. They are stuck in a spiral of discontent and aren't sure how to escape. When I suggest they chose the life they currently have and they can choose to make a change, there is usually a long silence.

You see, every day you make choices. The choices you make lead to results but the question is, are you making choices about the results you want to create?

Fundamentally, you've probably been conditioned to not make choices about what you want. Robert Fritz, author of The Path of Least Resistance, suggests eight ways in which people undermine effective choice and thereby lose their power to choose:

  • Choice by limitation, or choosing only what seems possible or reasonable
  • Choice by indirectness, or choosing the process instead of the result
  • Choice by elimination, or eliminating all other possibilities so that only one choice remains
  • Choice by default, or not making a choice so that whatever results happen seem to occur without choice
  • Conditional choice, or imposing preconditions on choices like,