Weeds of the Mind: The Root of Anxiety

What can weeding the yard can teach us about handling anxiety?

One of the reasons why positive thinking and affirmations tend to provide only limited help for reducing our anxiety is because the problem is not necessarily in our thinking.

We are capable of having many, many thoughts. We believe that some of our thoughts are true. And we instantly discount other thoughts as untrue.

It is the thoughts that we believe as truth that drive and create our experience, that have power inside of us.

It is the thoughts that we believe that manifest themselves in what we refer to as the experience of anxiety.

Trying to use positive thinking to overpower or to outthink anxiety is like trying to kill the weeds in our yard by mowing them down, only to see them immediately grow back the next week.

If we do not pull the weeds out by their roots, from the source of their growth upward through the soil, they will easily grow back.

Just as our anxious thoughts and feelings easily sprout back when we try to mow them over with the power of positive thinking.

The real solution to anxiety lies deeper in the roots of what we believe.

~Elusive beliefs made tangible~

So realizing that our beliefs are really the source of what we experience is great. But where do we go from here?

The topic of beliefs sounds so airy, so intangible. What are our beliefs? Where are our beliefs? And why are they so powerful?

These are huge questions. So we will start today with just one way of understanding more about our elusive beliefs.

What happens when you try to logically think through your illogical fears and anxiety?

Does your body keep going through the experience no matter what logical argument you try to impose on it?

This is frustrating