Decorative Concrete - The Beginnings

Concrete has been used in construction as a building material and as a decorative medium for over 2000 years. When the Romans discovered how to make their own stone it soon became used for both building and in beautification projects.

The advantages are obvious it is easy to use, does not have the transportation problems that where faced when moving huge pieces of rock to the construction site. Concrete could be cast in place. Small objects where cast in molds and then placed where the architect wanted them. This revolutionized construction. It also made it possible for the average citizen to build his own house with rocks or manufactured bricks. He now had a way to hold them together. He could use mortar, a close relative of concrete.

Concrete is cast in many ways: in small plastic molds, and huge steel forms. It is the medium of choice for some artists. Some of the work done by them is stunning to say the least. Others cast concrete and then sculpt it, creating beautiful individualized pieces.

You have seen it alongside highways. In the old days it was there to serve a purpose and no attempt was made to make it look like anything but a concrete wall. Now it still has a purpose but is made to look good as well. This is done with steel forms that have a design built into them. Like a big mold!

Depending on climate and more important the budget some of these walls are even colored. They can have the color added to the concrete or be painted or stained after the form is removed. This makes an attractive looking wall instead of an ugly cement abutment. One thing that has been noticed by municipalities and others that have started to use this method is that graffiti is not appearing as quickly and if it does it is in nowhere near the volume as when the big flat surface was presented! Maybe it is too hard to paint on?
