Needing to Get Revenge Means You're Still A Victim

There are many "heroic" tales about individuals, who after having been victimized, turned to revenge to right the wrong. In our society such acts are revered and the individuals who undertake them are considered heroes. I would like to suggest however that an individual who needs to get revenge is in fact still acting from a place of being a victim. Sounds odd, doesn't it? Well let me explain.

First I want to start with what it means to be a victim. In my view it means that one is carrying within them pain which comes from hurt that has befallen that individual. Such hurt can come from anyone or anything outside the individual. For instance an enemy or a natural disaster and so on.

Hurt can also come from something that "lives" inside the individual as well. Now here I'm referring not just to toxic chemicals or pathogens but rather to negative beliefs, emotions or memories. Such things as self doubt, low self worth, jealousy, feeling unworthy, feeling weak or helpless, feeling like a victim, many forms of fear, anxiety, self sabotaging behaviors, envy, and anger to name a few. Another that belongs in this group is the "need for revenge". Yes you read that correctly. Let me explain.

Why are these "internal" states hurtful to an individual? Well for the following reasons:

1. Whenever one is caught up in one of them one is not feeling good inside. By good I mean at peace, calm, joyful, happy, relaxed, in control of one's self, self confident. Rather they feel whatever discomfort comes with whichever state they find themselves in. Place yourself in one for a moment and see for yourself what happens to your inner state of peace, to your stress level, to your energy level, etc.

2. Being in one of these states is inherently stressful and therefore energy depleting. The energy that is being depleted is one's life energy. In other words, being in one of these states means that one is "dying" more quickly.

3. There are hidden beliefs behind each of these states that seduce the individual, caught in one of them, into believing that it is in someway useful or helpful for them to remain there.

4. We have become so used to falling prey to these seductions that we find ourselves starting to openly justify that these states are protective in some way.

5. When we start to justify their usefulness we have just given away control of our life energy, as if we just flushed ourselves down the sewer because, if you notice closely, that's where one's life energy usually winds up.

So coming back to the issue of victim hood and the "need for revenge" that ensues from it. As I said the belief that one is a victim automatically makes one feel weak, helpless, perhaps a sense of shame, fear, stressed, like crawling away and hiding and so on. All of these reactions are energy depleting are they not?

What also ensues is what many experience as the "need for revenge". Now some might argue that this helps them feel energized, self confident, strong and that therefore it is life enhancing and not life detracting as I have alluded to. I would say that in fact this is the seduction.

If you choose to engage the "need for revenge" you may notice if you observe it closely, that you are feeling somewhat out of control and that this is out of control state is by its nature stressful to you. Just feel it for yourself. Are you feeling calm, joyful or relaxed? No you are likely feeling driven, anxious, fearful, angry, insecure, tense, and so on.

This lack of control is usually driven by anger which is generated by the need to distract yourself from the hurt that is generated by the belief that you are a victim (i.e. the feelings of pain, weakness, helplessness, low self esteem, shame etc. that I mentioned above) and the memory of the trauma upon which it is based which is stored inside you.

So if you engage this vengeful state you are essentially still playing out the victim role because as you are supposedly righting a wrong, you are being consumed by the negativity that is inside you and that is depleting your energy in the process.

So what is to be done then about the victim hood state? Is one just supposed to forget it or pretend that it isn't there? Some suggest that forgiveness works, what about resorting to it?

Forgiveness is fine, but is it really feasible if you continue to carry the hurt within you (as in the case of trying to deny that it exists inside you)? I personally haven't found it to be the most effective alternative.

Well I would suggest another more effective solution which entails that you also read my articles on releasing trauma, but which I will summarize briefly here. It is now possible to completely release all aspects of the negativity that is associated with the so-called trauma from what I call your energy field (i.e. from consciousness) thereby leaving you with an experience that the event never happened. This is different from "denying" that it happened which is just about pushing the pain into your subconscious mind.

A new healing modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) can effect this type of release quickly and effectively. The benefit is not only that you get rid of the memory, the hurt, the belief that you are a victim but you also reclaim vast amounts of life energy that rejuvenate you and return you to a loving and compassionate human being.

This last part is important because, if you notice, one of the things that happens when one becomes a victim is that they lose part of their humanity. Notice for instance how violence begets violence begets violence and so on.

Nick Arrizza, M.D. - EzineArticles Expert Author

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called "Spirituality And Science" (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.

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