Make Superior Skin Cleansers at Home

Are you tired of paying top-dollar for skin cleansers that never work? Then follow these recipes for home remedy skin cleansers, and never waste money on inferior products again.

For your body, the best ingredient you can use is sea salt. Mix it with water to the consistency of paste, and rub it on your knees, elbows and feet to remove dead skin. For more sensitive skin, grind oatmeal flakes in a clean coffee grinder, mix with brown sugar, aloe, and lemon juice.

Oatmeal can also be mixed with yogurt to create an effective facial cleanser. For a facial scrub, mix yogurt and walnuts (finely ground). Mix witch hazel and rosemary for a refreshing facial toner.

Facial masks are also easy to make at home. Experiment with ingredients such as oatmeal, honey, and mashed fruits and veggies such as cucumbers, strawberries, or peaches.

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