Enquiry Concerning The Private Income Organization

Advertising as a whole is a bigger subject than it might at first appear. It is too complex a subject to cover in depth here but we will endeavor to cover the most important elements. To be successful in business you must understand these principles thoroughly because getting advertising right or wrong will make or break any and every business.

You may remember the folk tale of the little old shoemaker who was going to close down his shop because business had become so slow. Many of the townsfolk realized how valuable his service was and banded together to help. Each citizen went to the shoemaker and bought a pair of his excellent shoes. Needless to say, this sudden surge of business enabled the shoemaker to stay in business. It also made him wealthy.

"Am I That Sort Of Person?"
Only YOU can answer that question accurately:

There are two kinds of people in the world:

Lion and Antelope.

Lion EAT Antelope.

Antelope provide the necessities of life for Lion by turning grass into meat

- that is equivalent to working hard.

Lion harvest the efforts of the Antelope. They eat them!

Lion "live off the fat of the land" and are masters of all they survey.

- that is equivalent to being a successful business owner.

Most people are Antelope.

This is nothing to be ashamed of, it is just a fact of nature.

There always have to be more poor people (Antelope) than rich people (Lion) - someone has to do the hard, dirty, unpleasant, boring work and people wouldn't if they were richer.

"Send Your E-mail Here(a.d.a.g.einc@comcast.net)To Find Out More"

Pierre Whaley a man with the 1 thing you need to create Value in this world HONESTY!