Combating Migraine Naturally

Migraines are severe painful headaches that typically affects on one side of the head, they can become worst with exposure to loud sounds or bright lights. Other symptoms associated with migraines are changes in vision such as localise blindness and seeing flashing lights, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, irritability, and restlessness.

The most common triggers in migraine are chocolate, alcohol (especially red wine), cheese, nitrates, monosodium glutamate, nitro-glycerine, cured or processed meats, emotional changes such as stress and anger, too little or too much sleep, menstruation, the birth control pill, ovulation, hormonal changes, glare from the sun, weather changes such as change in pressure and exposure to the sun and drug withdrawal such as withdrawal from caffeine, ergotamine and sympathomimetic drugs.

Dietary amines are foods such as alcohol, cheese and chocolate which research has shown to bring on migraine attacks. These foods contain vasco-active amines that cause venal constriction by the liberation of catecholamine.

Some migraine sufferers have a condition called reactive hypoglycaemia which means they have problems with regulating blood sugar levels. For these people, their migraine may ease by changing their diet to regulate their blood sugar levels better. This can be done by avoiding alcohol, refined sugar, and caffeine and by eating small meals 6 times a day. Another cause of migraines is food allergies, by keeping a food log or working with a nutritional therapist, the migraine sufferer can find out which foods are causing the migraines and eliminate them from the diet. Common food allergies are milk and wheat. Other food substances that have been found to cause migraine are salt, the artificial sweetener aspartame and tyramine which is found in many foods.

A migraine sufferer may also benefit from taking magnesium supplements, bowel cleansing, decreasing stress, combating anger, stop taking birth control pills, getting a proper nights sleep, be aware of the glare from the sun, careful not to be too exposed to the sun, managing withdrawal from drugs such as caffeine, ergotamine and sympathomimetic drugs properly and avoidance of unnecessary herbs, vitamins and drugs.

It may be worthwhile to see a chiropractor, some migraines occur due to problems with the spine. Some migraine sufferers have also found it beneficial to consult an acupuncturist.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Migraines

Coenzyme Q10



Multivitamins and minerals

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B2

Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural life