Top 7 Zero-Cost Psychological Purchase Triggers That Produces Guaranteed Sales

One goal every Internet marketer and most probably anyone in business has is to make a sale. If you truly want to get your piece of the Internet "pie", this is perhaps the greatest "magic" you should learn. The magic of getting people to purchase your product.

Your major goal is therefore to produce a stream of sales 24/7. This is achieved only if you apply "psychological" purchase triggers that helps eliminate purchase barriers and that helps people buy from you over and over again.

Take note, each one of these triggers will prompt people to beg you with their money, come back again and beg for more of your product.

1. Personality.

You are trying to sell to humans and the psychology remains the same. Humans are always keen on relationships. Your goal is to present yourself as some real person and not some sales "icon" sitting behind some mahogany table somewhere across the world. Make them "feel" you. Write your ad materials like the person is standing with you and talk straight. Tell them about your personal experiences, what you went through, catch them on a friendly note.

2. Give Testimonials.

A written testimonial about what you sell from a customer who've actually used it is a strong enough psychological purchase trigger. Include contact details and picture when available.

3. Give a Bonus.

If you really want to see people in the "spending action", give a bonus. This simple but effective psychological purchase trigger works on the mind and puts people into the buying mood. Clich